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Open Up is pioneering breathwork & Inner growth

for the shift and shifters in service of a new culture


I'm quite confident that our external challenges are intimately linked to our inner struggles. The emergence of our time calls for a generous and adventurous descend that leads us to interesting new places that open up other ways of seeing, learning, living, evolving, thriving, and relating in the world.

Open Up is a breathwork and inner growth institute, and an attempt to cultivate the necessary rupture and wisdom for that. It is an ecology of practices, a research inquiry, and experimentation for ways of opening ourselves to the unknown and the unimaginable in partnership with the more-than-human world. It is a process of becoming other-wise in an embodied way in service of a new culture and living planet for future generations. 


This is not merely about being and acting differently in the world, but also about co-creating new worldviews that are prerequisites for true societal and cultural transformation. Can you take an instant to visualize this event?


Looking forward to connect, 

Katrien Franken, founder


Katrien Franken


I'm a multiple award-winning artist, social entrepreneur, educator, breathwork and inner growth facilitator, researcher, writer, poet, and activist, as well as founder of Open Up. I view my work as an act of journey; an expression of assembled studies, longings, learnings, spiritual practice, collaborations, failures, experiments, and experience of twenty years at the edges of our evolutionary growth.


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Open Up acts as a portal



Based on our own research, training and experience for

transformation, we bring care to four worlds of work.


Opening relationsships

We open up the bodymind in carefully curated journeys to make the unconscious, conscious. Accessing altered states of consciousness which changes the nervous system, changes the state of our mind, and changes the way we perceive the world. This state reveals deep existential truths about interconnectedness and life and helps to co-generate

care in​ partnership with the more than human world. We honor the interdependence of life.


Opening embodiment

We believe in the power of fully inhabiting our bodies, honoring the wisdom we come with. We make space for rupture and cultivate a profound receptivity for opening to the real in a non-directional way. Shifting perspectives, rooted in an ecology of care. We support the release and relief from what is holding us back to come to new senses and perspectives of power, joy, and freedom.


Opening imagination

We consider play to be an essential part of a learning process throughout life. Serious Play engages fundamental transformative processes for us with a deep care for strange encounters in ecosystems of being. With a high level of sophistication we move from our orderly world to a place of openness,
imagination, creativity, and connection, 

Psychological insight
Opening wisdom

Opening to the kind of knowing by Being that grounds our ability to make sense of the intelligible of reality and truth, intimately.

A conscious process of engaging in inquiry, rigorous thinking, feeling the emotions and gathering the necessary insight for constructive meaning-making. Combining

philosophical, contemplative practice with the Sciences, Arts and complexity.


Offerings & Engagements

Rupture. Miracles. Rooted possibilities.

Join the Shift

Be the Shifter

Re-imagining education and mental health

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Becoming Other-Wise



A stunning invitation is in the air, urging us to rethink ourselves, our ways of learning and our actions in the world to what mutually benefits us. In an Open Up based pedagogy, the longing is to deeply explore what it means to be alive in the world today, being in the body and to bring more than just breathwork, more than just solutions, more than just a future. We practice breathwork to open to new places of power where there is joy in carrying the health and well-being of our interconnectedness. Join us in this activism of inquiry to unleash energy in bodies, in flows, in possibilities, from the raw unknowing of transformation and meaningful experiences to a place of rooted possibilities.



Writings by Katrien Franken


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Open Up's impact initiatives are set out by Katrien Franken in 2020, and are deep offerings to whole systems change. A human investment in a future of inspiration and longevity, unlocking new opportunities for radical change and healing. 


She's exploring how the conditions of transformation come together on the fringes of the culture. Her engagement is with deep inner practices, and journeys of coming alive to critical shifts in ways that allow ruptures to grow the new. 

"I have had several breathwork sessions before, but what Katrien offers is something very special. It's beyond just breathwork. She is incredibly intuitive and able to sense exactly where you are at and what you need. She has an exceptionally healing presence, and uses touch and sound to deepen the journey. The sessions offer a window into your deeper self and allow profound healing and awareness to come through."

David Fuller – Founder of Rebel Wisdom, London, UK

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