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by Katrien Franken

The Address

Welcoming the Guest

As a creator who constantly experiments with thoughts and ideas, The Address is an expression for a deeper exploration of what it means to be a Guest, and how deep our longing truly is to 'come home' and belong. 

Whilst we are living in the violence of the nation-state, in climatically aroused states, in oppressed organized states, in distressed and overwhelmed mental states, in a movement of escaping in non-ordinary states, James Bridle rightfully questions: “How does the hierarchical conception of the world that has shaped our view of our relative place in the world for 2,000 years, change?” 

In the face of what is challenging and difficult and unimaginable, we need a deeper reach into existence and what it means to a part of it, instead of trying to rule it. I like to help shift this thinking forward. Enabling our process to gravitate to practices of resting otherwise in knowing and relating. I am quite confident that in our world the deepest knowledge is in places where we can go blank because they communicate meaning. Places that have no address yet. It lives in our gestures and expressions, in our imagination, in Dreaming, in appropriate silences, a quiet reflection, in our observation, in every porous breath. It opens an intelligence that can guide us to new places where we are shown who The Guest truly is.

And in this exploration we can move from old places of power to new ones where there is joy in carrying the health and well-being of our interconnectedness. It will be a cosmical journey, a real-time offline journey, a kind of appropriate hanging togetherness. It will be a coming home to our body and our breathing, and our most intimate life.


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